Since child hood I have never followed domination in relationships as I believe in Live and Let live! Why to control, manipulate, guide or direct someone s habits or life? ( they must be doing best to their capabilities and skills)Till I got an arranged marriage (post many failed heart breaks with wrong choice of boys) I slowly realized why having daughters people get unhappy. You may raise them most loved ,most independent, most confident but later their choices and lifestyle depends on their life partner. Since she lives in the house of the boy ,she has to follow their temperament and choices even in eating ,sleeping, laughing, walking or even dressing. Either take it as patience ,Persistence and sincere effort to kill ego/ self respect and adjust/ compromise or scream,argue,cry,walk away ,call both side parents ,police ,lawyers and live as an unsettled life.How many marriages can anyone try after having kids with hope of getting someone Understanding ,compassionate, sensitive and open minded? This song caught up my attention, and I found it so true and appropriate. Why when a man wants to watch t.v post midnight in high volume his wife can’t object and why early morning even if she sees her phone to check time he screams at top of his voice the bright light of phone disturbing his sleep! SAddda Kutta Kutta…Twada Kutta Tommy.
Wife S Rantings
If my mobile s light to check time disturbs u so much why your watching t.v doesn't effect me?
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