You are The Pure Consciousness/Chit…..

                not the reflected Consciousness/chidabhas.

There was a young man who was having a cute and robust pet dog.
Once he planned to take his dog to a vet shopping mall. That mall was on the 4th floor of a building. So he took the elevator/lift to go up with the dog. The three walls of the elevator/lift cabin were made up of mirrors.

When the dog entered in the lift cabin, he saw the three more dogs around him,  and as per his natural tendency, he started barking loudly at them. The man understood his dog’s issue. He laughed at him and said; ” Oh dear….you are the only dog here. These three dogs; you are barking at, are not real dogs but your own reflections in these mirrors. Don’t be afraid of them. Calm down.”
But as the dogs don’t have the ability to discriminate between true and false like man, he continued  barking
till they left the lift at the 4th floor. (The dog became silent  because he didn’t see those dogs thereafter.)

Whenever you look in the mirror, you are very much aware of the fact that the image you see in the mirror is not real you.  That is why, even if your image gets distorted by the defect of the mirror, you don’t consider youself distorted. If your image in the mirror is vanished because of the sudden breakage of the mirror,  you don’t consider yourself  vanished.  You know that you are independant and separate from the image in the mirror.

These analogies are very much useful to know the difference between Chit/ the Pure Consciousness( Brahman) and Chidabhas/the reflected Consciousness ( Jiva).

Analogy1- There was only one dog..fearless. But the moment other dogs were seen, fear aroused in him and he started barking at them out of the sense of insecurity.
The moment other dogs disappeared, he became calm and silent.

True wisdom is to remain calm in the midst of the dualities. Our barking stops when the wisdom comes- ‘That there exist only the one and the same, nondual Pure Consciousness/ Chit and rests are only illusory jivas ( reflected Consciousness/ Chidabhasa).’

In 2nd analogy,
In Reality, we are the Pure Consciousness/ Chit (Nitya, Shuddha, Buddha, Mukta). But we consider ourselves to be miserable jiva , a distorted image because of our defective mirror/antahkaran.

Antahkaran consists of mind, intellect, memory and ego ( मन, बुद्धी, चित्त, अहंकार).The intellect is the seat of the ignorance of our self nature of Sat Chit Ananda.
This defective mirror – intellect with the defect of ignorance is the cause of our miserable state as a jiva. This reflected Consciousness/ chidabhas in the defective mirror of the intellect gives rise to ego – the false notion of ‘ I am the body mind complex, the limited jiva’ and the sufferings start.

We are the Pure Consciousness/ Chit/ Brahman but because of the ignorance, we consider ourself as reflected Consciousness/ chidabhas/ jiva. That means we consider our mirror image as real we.

Why don’t we experience our True nature ?
Because we have a tendency to look in the mirror and consider our mirror image as real.

What is the remedy?
Erase the coating on the back side of the mirror so that it will be transparent to reflect nothing. There will be no false image. You will be yourself. 

In the same way, erase the coating of the ignorance in the intellect by the Self knowledge.

Continuous contemplation upon our own true nature will erase the ignorance from the intellect so that there will be no reflection/ Chidabhasa but the only Pure Consciousness/ Chit.
    Hari Om !