I offer my humble Pranaams to you Rev. Sri. Sri. Om Swamiji🙏🕉🌺sending you much love and Divine Sri Hari Always Bless you with His Presence   🙏
I completed this Painting on Shivratri for you Swamiji 🙏🕉 Har Har Mahadev🌺🙏🕉

‘Har Har Mahadev’🙏🕉🌺🍃
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It’s been a while I wrote on Os platform Swamiji and my due apologies for the same , but I have been carrying on extremely well with your beautiful teachings and am in the flow. Shall ever remain indebted to you Sri. Om Swamiji🙏🏻🕉💚

I always feel internally ever connected to this sacred platform which you opened up for us. For me it has been like a secure feeling of your love and Grace Swamiji for never a day or moments go by not keeping your kind wisdom and presence within me.

2020 November I picked up my painting brush, the empty canvas after good 10 years, almost having lost the very interest if I would ever pursue it.

But your kind and wise words, even though hundreds of miles away… gracefully lead me to writing on os.me ( in June 2020) and then magically paint whatever my heart felt like.

This very krupa only made me witness the Divine strongly. Words would not be able to justify what I experience during my Paintings.

My works of the whole 2021 year  I shared on this sacred place here with all my beautiful and soulful os family.

The holy year 2022 put me to task taking up a vow to complete almost 15 paintings non stop. The reason is Higher … Inspite of my health issues which is getting healed, with your Grace and Blessings Sri. Om Swamiji and Divine Mother and Sri Hari’s Krupa I have completed most of them.

My life couldn’t have asked for more and Divinity  leads me moment to moment with humbled feelings and my Soul feels  joyful, grounded and sorted, experiencing only His Bliss whilst Painting🙏🕉🌺

Thank you Sri. Om Swamiji for everything🙏🕉Keep Blessing and leading me🙏🍃🕊May this Soul only experience Sri Hari’s and Maa Duggar’s Divine Bliss and Serve them eternally 🙏🕉🌺

Thank you my Os family for being ever  kind and inspiring. Each one of you is extremely Special🙏🕉

Divine Sri Hari Bless everyone with His Grace and Light and Sri. Om Swamiji’s Love and Blessings be on all.

Paintings of this year from Jan to March. Just a humble effort from a non artist , who is trying to improve and learn each day.

You will notice the Conch Shell and a small ring of My dearest Mom in all the Paintings, the inspirational message I got from her in my dream, which I also happened to share here in one of my earlier posts.

‘Jai Gau Mata ‘ 🙏🕉🌺🐄 The sacredness of Gau Mata depicting all that is holy and Blessing 🙏🕉🕊🦢
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‘Strength’Maa Dugga Blessings🙏
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‘Soul Rendering’. Sri Krishna Blessings🙏🕉
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‘Serenity’. Peaceful Buddha Blessings🙏🕉🕊
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Role’. Depicting the Rajasthani Turban Man.
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‘Experiencing the flow’. The Turban Man .
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‘Aging with Grace’. Love and Compassion is Timeless.
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‘The holy Tea’. Many lives are warmly met with a hot cup of tea and the favourite Rusks , which is so traditionally us.
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Much love and Light 🙏🕉

Hari Om Swamiji🙏

Siddhika Umesh🙏🕉🌺