Articles, Videos and more from Om Swami
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How to Deal with Self-Doubt
A bogey or a birdie; a bunker, or, an ocean of opportunities, you won't know until you play. What's your fear?
Sex and Spirituality
Nature thrives and survives on love; sex, in the right spirit, is an extension, a spiritual expression of such love.
Staying True to Your Purpose
When you stay the course, staying true to your purpose, the journey becomes enjoyable, and the path, colorful.
Why do People Lie?
People may lie 1. to hide information, 2. as a matter of habit, or 3. to gain attention.
Four Pillars of Love
A solid relationship stands on a strong foundation. It gives you room to play and be together.
When to Move Out of a Relationship
Sometimes you grow out of a relationship, there's no more joy or attraction. It's time to move on.
Why do People Cheat?
The wild one hunts because 1. it can, 2. it is hungry and 3. it is innate in him.
Broken Marriages of 5 Types
Broken marriages are of five types. Sometimes there's still light and hope but sometimes it's just an illusion.
Personal Relationships
Marriage can be like MW Radio, a little disturbance can cause great noise. Everything sounds like gibberish thereafter.
5 Ways To Coming Out Of Negativity
Even in a pool of negativity, in the mire of disagreements, you can rise and shine like a lotus.
Setting and Achieving Goals
If you can aim with focus, patience, persistence and skill, you can achieve any goal. Any at all.
The Law of Attraction
If you are a real flower, bees will be attracted to you automatically because you're willing to give them what they need.
Emotional Healing — Erasing Psychic Imprints
Paint the canvas of your life with the colors you fancy. Erase the pain and allow yourself to heal.
Emotional Healing — Getting Over the Pain
Whatever you do or experience, leaves a psychic imprint behind. Healing is erasing those imprints.
How to Deal with Criticism
What they see in you is a reflection of their very self. What you don't have in you, you can't see in others.